

99 - Effect of Polymeric Matrix in Anion-Exchange Membranes on Nitrate-Chloride Separations, Chinello, D.; Post, J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2024 - accepted for publication

98 - Highly Stable Full-Polymer Electrochemical Deionization System: Dopant Engineering & Mechanism Study, Tu, Y.-H.; Huang, H.-Y.; Yang, Y.-H.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Hu, C.-C. Mater. Horiz. 2024, 11, 3792-3804. [doi] Cover Article

97 - Exploring Affinity between Organic Probes and Prussian Blue Analogues via Inverse Gas Chromatography, Paulusma, S.; Singh, K.; Smeding, T; Gamaethiralalage, J.G.; Claassen, F.W.; Beijleveld, H.; Janssen, H.-G.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Sci. Rep. 2024, 14, 13904. [doi]

96 - Polyester-Based Polyelectrolyte Complexes: Combining Thermo- and Saloplastic Properties, Engelhardt, J., Zuilhof, H.; van der Gucht, J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Maaskant, E. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2024, 6, 4409-4418. [doi]

95 - Tuning Mono-Divalent Cation Water Composition by the Capacitive Ion-Exchange Mechanism, Lado, J.J.; García-Quismondo, E.; Fombona-Pascual, A.; Mavrandonakis, A.; de la Cruz, C.; Oropezab, F.A.; de la Peña O’Shea, V.A.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Palma, J. Water Res. 2024, 255, 121469. [doi]

94 - Selective Electrodialysis: Targeting Nitrate over Chloride using PVDF-based AEMs, Chinello, D.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Post, J. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2024, 342, 126885. [doi]

93 - Selective Separation of Nitrate from Chloride using PVDF-based Anion-Exchange Membranes, Chinello, D.; Post, J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Desalination 2024, 572, 117084. [doi]

92 - Rocking-Chair Capacitive Deionization for Phosphate Recovery via Rejection Mode using Ion-Exchange Membranes, Gamaethiralalage, J.G. and de Smet, L.C.P.M. Desalination 2023, 564, 116752. [doi]

91 - Modelling the Required Membrane Selectivity for NO3 Recovery from Effluent Also Containing Cl, While Saving Water, Chinello, D.; Myrstad, A.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Miedema, H. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2023, 193, 409-419. [doi]

90 - Aromatic Amine-Functionalized Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) for CO2/N2 Separation, Dautzenberg, E.; Li, G.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15, 5118-5127. [doi]

89 - Functionalized Modulators in Imine-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs), Dautzenberg, E.; Claassen, F.W.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2023, 350, 112318. [doi]

88 - Tuning UV Absorption in Imine-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) via Methylation, Dautzenberg, E.; Lam, M.; Nikoaeva, T.; Franssen, W.M.J.; van Lagen, B.; Gerrits-Benneheij, I.P.A.M.; Kosinov, N.A.; Li, G.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 50, 21338–21347. [doi] Cover Article

87 - GraphIAST: A graphical user interface software for Ideal Adsorption Solution Theory (IAST) calculations, Dautzenberg, E.; van Hurne, S.; Smulders, M.M.J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Computer Physics Communications 2022, 280, 108494. [doi]

86 - Crown Ether-Modified Polyelectrolytes and their Interactions with Cations – a QCM Study, Sahin, S.; van Weeren, E.; Zuilhof, H.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Applied Surface Science Advances 2022, 11, 100271. [doi]

85 - Stability and Selective Anion Removal of High-Performance Carbon Electrodes Modified with Polyaniline in Capacitive Deionization, Zornitta, R.L.; Ruotolo, L.A.M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Separation and Purification Technology 2022, 290, 120807. [doi]

84 - Simultaneous, Monovalent Ion Selectivity with Polyelectrolyte Multilayers and Intercalation Electrodes in Capacitive Deionization, Singh, K.; Sahin, S.; Gamaethiralalage, J.G.; Zornitta, R.L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 432, 128329. [doi]

83 - Enhanced Monovalent over Divalent Cation Selectivity with Polyelectrolyte Multilayers in Membrane Capacitive Deionization via Optimization of Operational Conditions, Sahin, S.; Zuilhof, H.; Zornitta, R.L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Desalination 2022, 522, 115391. [doi]

82 - Permeation Selectivity in the Electro-dialysis of Mono- and Divalent Cations using Supported Liquid Membranes, Qian, Z.; Miedema, H.; de Smet, L.C.P.M., Sudhölter, E.J.R. Desalination 2022, 521, 11539. [doi]

81 - Enhanced Surface Area and Reduced Pore Collapse of Methylated, Imine-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks, Dautzenberg E.; Lam, M.; Li, G.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Nanoscale 2021, 13, 19446-19452. [doi]

80 - Construction of a self-assembled polyelectrolyte/graphene oxide multilayer film and its interaction with metal ions, Cao, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, Z.; Li, W.; Fu, T.; Qiu, W.; Lai, Z.; Cheng, J.; Yang, H.; Ma, W.; Liu, C.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Langmuir 2021, 37, 12148-12162 [doi]

79 - Polyelectrolytes as Building Blocks for Next-Generation Membranes with Advanced Functionalities, Durmaz, E.N.; Sahin, S.; Virga, E.; de Beer, S.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; de Vos, W.M., ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2021, 3, 4347−4374. [doi]

78 - Divalent Ion Selectivity in Capacitive Deionization with Vanadium Hexacyanoferrate: Experiments and Quantum-Chemical Computations, Singh, K.; Li, G.; Lee, J.; Zuilhof, H.; Mehdi, B.L., Zornitta, R.L., de Smet, L.C.P.M. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2105203. [doi]

77 - Comparing the Performance of Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Membranes in Non-Polar Solvent, Merlet, R.; Winnubst, L.; Nijmeijer, A.; Amirilargani, M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Dorbec, M.; Salvador Cob, S.; Vandezande, P.; Sluijter, S.; van Veen, H.; VanDelft, Y.; Wienk, I.; Behera, S.; Hartanto, Y.; Vankelecom, I.F.J.; de Wit, P.; Cuperus, P. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2021, 93, 1389–1395. [doi]

76 - Recent Advances in Ion Selectivity with Capacitive Deionization, Gamaethiralalage, J.G.; Singh, K.; Sahin, S.; Yoon, J.; Elimelech, M.; Suss, M.E.; Liang, P.; Biesheuvel, P.M.; Zornitta, R.L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Energy Environ. Sci. 2021, 14, 1095-1120. [doi] Cover Article

75 - Water Desalination with Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Electrodes in Capacitive Deionization: Experiment, Model and Comparison with Carbon, Singh, K.; Zhang, L.; Zuilhof, H.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Desalination 2020, 496, 114647 [doi]

74 - Modification of Cation-Exchange Membranes with Polyelectrolyte Multilayers to Tune Ion Selectivity in Capacitive Deionization, Sahin , S.; Dykstra, J.L.; Zuilhof, H.; Zornitta, R.L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 34746–34754 [doi] Cover Article

73 - Separation of alkali metal cations by a supported liquid membrane (SLM) operating under electro dialysis (ED) conditions, Qian, Z.; Miedema, H.; Sahin, S.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R Desalination 2020, 495, 1146317 [doi]

72 - Steering Protein and Salt Ad- and Desorption by an Electrical Switch Applied to Polymer-coated Electrodes, Fritz, P.A.; Zhang, P.; Bruschinski, T.; Sahin, S.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Chan-Park, M.B.; Boom, R.M.; Schroën, C.G.P.H. Separation and Purification Technology 2020 , 250, 117195 [doi]

71 - Modified Cation-Exchange Membrane for Phosphate Recovery in an Electrochemically Assisted Adsorption-Desorption Process, Petrov, K.V.; Paltrinieri, L.; Poltorak, L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 5046-5049. [doi]

70 - Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Electrodes for High Mono/Divalent Ion-Selectivity in Capacitive Deionization, Singh, K.; Qian, Z.; Biesheuvel, P.M.; Zuilhof, H.; Porada, S.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Desalination 2020, 481, 114346. [doi]

69 - Melamine‐based Microporous Organic Framework Thin Films on an Alumina Membrane for High‐flux Organic Solvent Nanofiltration, Amirilargani, M.; Yokota, G.N.; Vermeij, G.; Merlet, R.B.; Delen, G.; Mandemaker, L.D.B.; Weckhuysen, B.M., Nijmeijer, A.; Winnubst, L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 136-140. [doi]

68 - Improved Phosphoric Acid Recovery From Sewage Sludge Ash Using Layer-by-Layer Modified Membranes, Paltrinieri, L.; Remmen, K.; Müller, B.; Chu, L.; Köser, J.; Wintgens, T.; Wessling, M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. J. Membr. Sci. 2019, 587, 117162. [doi]

67 - Molecular Separation Using Poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) Grafted to γ-Alumina: Surface versus Pore modification, Amirilargani, M.; Merlet, R.B.; Chu, L.; Nijmeijer, A.; Winnubst, L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. J. Membr. Sci. 2019, 582, 298-306 [doi]

66 - MIL-53(Al) and NH2-MIL-53(Al) Modified α-Alumina Membranes for Efficient Adsorption of Dyes from Organic Solvents, Amirilargani, M.; Merlet, R.B.; Hedayati, P.; Nijmeijer, A.; Winnubst, L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Chem. Comm. 2019, 55, 4119-4122 [doi]

65 - A Low-Power MEMS IDE Capacitor with Integrated Microhotplate: Application as Methanol Sensor using a Metal-Organic Framework Coating as Affinity Layer, Venkatesh, M.R.; Sachdeva, S.; El Mansouri, B.; Wei, J.; Bossche, A.; Bosma, D.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Zhang, G.Q. Sensors 2019, 19, 888 [doi]

64 - Timeline on the Application of Intercalation Materials in Capacitive Deionization, Singh, K.; Porada, S.; Biesheuvel, P.M.; de Gier, H.D.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Desalination 2019, 455, 115-134 [doi]

63 - Functionalized Anion-Exchange Membranes Facilitate Electrodialysis of Citrate and Phosphate from Model Dairy Wastewater, Paltrinieri, L.; Huerta, E.; Puts, T.; van Baak, W.; Verver, A.B.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53, 2396–2404 [doi] Front Cover Article

62 - Growing to Shrink: Nano-tunable Polystyrene Brushes Inside 5 nm Mesopores, Merlet, R.B.; Amirilargani, M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Nijmeijer, A.; Winnubst, L. J. Membr. Sci. 2019, 572, 632-640. [doi]

61 - Proteomics as a New Tool to Study Fingermark Ageing in Forensics, Oonk, S.; Schuurmans, T.; Pabst, M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; de Puit, M. Sci. Rep. 2018, 8, 16425 [doi]

60 - Hybrid Polyelectrolyte-Anion Exchange Membrane and its Interaction with Phosphate, Paltrinieri, L.; Poltorak, L.; Chu, L.; Puts, T.; van Baak, W.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. React. Funct. Polym. 2018, 133, 126-135 [doi]

59 - Lipid Bilayers Cushioned with Polyelectrolyte-based Films on Doped Silicon Surfaces, Poltorak, L.; Verheijden, M.L.; Bosma, D.; Jonkheijm, P.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. BBA - Biomembranes 2018, 1860, 2669-2680 [doi]

58 - Poly (maleic anhydride-alt-1-alkenes) Directly Grafted to γ-alumina for High-performance Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Membranes, Amirilargani, M.; Merlet, R.B.; Nijmeijer, A.; Winnubst, L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. J. Membr. Sci. 2018, 564, 259-266 [doi

57 - Theory of Water Desalination with Intercalation Materials, Singh, K.; Bouwmeester, H.J.M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Bazant, M.Z.; Biesheuvel, P.M. Physical Review Applied 2018, 9, 064036 [doi Editors' Suggestion

56 - Nanosheets of non-layered aluminium Metal-Organic Frameworks through a surfactant-assisted method, Pustovarenko, A.; Goesten, M.G.; Sachdeva, S.; Shan, M.; Amghouz, Z.; Belmabkhout, A.; Dikhtiarenko, A.; Rodenas, T.; Keskin, D.; Voets, I.K.; Weckhuysen, B.M.; Eddaoudi, M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Kapteijn, F.; Seoane, B.; Gascon, J. Adv. Mat. 2018, 30, 1707234 [doi]

55 - Modelling the Selective Removal of Sodium Ions from Greenhouse Irrigation Water Using Membrane Technology, Qian, Z.; Miedema, H.; de Smet, L.C.P.M., Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2018, 135, 154-161 [doi]

54 - Enhanced Vapour Sensing using Silicon Nanowire Devices Coated with Pt Nanoparticle Functionalized Porous Organic Frameworks, Cao, A.; Shan, M.; Paltrinieri, L.; Evers, W.; Chu, L.; Poltorak, L.; Klootwijk, J.H.; Seoane, B.; Gascon, J.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 6884 – 6891 [doi] Inside Front Cover Article

53 - Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Coated with a Guanidinium-functionalized Polyelectrolyte Extend the pH Range for Phosphate Binding, Paltrinieri, L.; Wang, M.; Sachdeva, S.; Besseling N.A.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5, 18476-18485. [doi] Front Cover Article

P3 - Method and device for measuring dielectrics in fluids, Hillebrand, J.; Mayer, M.J.J.; Meijer, G.J.M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Patent (24-05-2017).

52 - Effect of Charge of Quaternary Ammonium Cations on Lipophilicity and Electroanalytical Parameters: Task for Ion Transfer Voltammetry, Poltorak, L.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. J. Electroanal. Chem. 2017, 796, 66-74. [doi]

51 - Sensitive and Reversible Detection of Methanol and Water Vapor by in-situ Electrochemically Grown CuBTC MOFs on Interdigitated Electrodes, Sachdeva, S.; Venkatesh, M.R.; El Mansouri, B.; Wei, J.; Bossche, A.; Kapteijn, F.; Zhang, G.Q., Gascon, J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Small 2017, 13, 1604150. [doi] Front Cover Article

50 - Gas Phase Sensing of Alcohols by Metal Organic Framework – Polymer Composite Materials, Sachdeva, S.; Koper, S.J.H.; Sabetghadam, A.; Socco, D.; Gravesteijn, D.J.; Kapteijn, F.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Gascon, J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9, 24926−24935. [doi] Front Cover Article

49 - Mimicking an Atomically-thin 'Vacuum Spacer' to Measure the Hamaker Constant between Graphene Oxide and Silica, Chu, L.; Korobko, A.V.; Cao, A.; Sachdeva, S.; Liu, Z.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Picken, S.J.; Besseling, N.A.M. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 1600495. [doi]

48 - Metal-Organic Polyhedra-Coated Si Nanowires for Sensitive Detection of Trace Explosives, Cao, A.; Zhu, W.; Shang, J.; Klootwijk, J.H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Huskens, J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M., Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 1-7. [doi] Front Cover Article. See news items on sites of TU_Delft, Delta, University_of_Twente and also C2W (Dutch only).

47 - Recovery and Esterification of Aqueous Carboxylates by Using CO2-Expanded Alcohols with Anion Exchange, Cabrera-Rodríguez, C.I; Paltrinieri, L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; van der Wielen, L.A.M.; Straathof, A.J.J. Green Chemistry, 2017, 19, 729-738. [doi]

46 - Polymer-Metal Organic Framework Composite Films as Affinity Layer for Capacitive Sensor Devices, Sachdeva, S.; Soccol, D.; Gravesteijn, D.J.; Kapteijn, F.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Gascon, J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M., ACS Sensors, 2016, 1, 1188-1192. [doi]

45 - A Scalable and Environmentally Benign Process for Smart Textile Nanofinishing, Feng, J.; Hontanon, E.; Blanes, M.; Meyer, J.; Guo, X.; Santos, L.; Paltrinieri, L.; Ramlawi, N.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Nirschl, H.; Kruis, F.E.; Schmidt-Ott, A.; Biskos, G. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2016, 8, 14756–14765. [doi] Highlights on Nanowerk Spotlight and T.EVO news

44 - The Deposition Mechanism of Aluminium Oxide on Quantum Dot Films at Atmospheric Pressure and Room Temperature, Valdesueiro, D.; Prabhu, M.K.; Guerra-Nunez, C.; Suchand Sandeep, C.S.; Kinge, S.; Siebbeles, L.D.A.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Meesters, G.M.H.; Kreutzer, M.T.; Houtepen, A.J.; van Ommen, J.R. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 4266–4275 [doi]

43 - Control of Interpenetration of Copper-based MOFs on Supported Surfaces by Electrochemical Synthesis, Sachdeva, S.; Pustovarenko, A.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Kapteijn, F.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Gascon, J. CrystEngComm 2016, 22, 4018 - 4022. [doi] Inside Front Cover Article

42 - Surface Modification Methods of Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Membranes, Amirilargani, M., Sadrzadeh, M, Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Chem. Eng. J. 2016, 289, 562-582. [doi]

41 - The Effect of Guanidinium Functionalization on the Structural Properties and Anion Affinity of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers, Cao, Z.; Gordiichuk, P.; Loos, K.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Soft Matter 2016, 12, 1496-1505. [doi]


40 - Fluorescent Polyelectrolyte for the Visualization of Fingermarks, van der Mee, L.; Chow, E.S.Y.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; de Puit, M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Jager, W.F. Anal. Methods 2015, 7, 10121-10124. [doi] Back Cover Article

39 - Water-enhanced Guarding of Polymer-coated IDE Platforms as a Key Mechanism for Achieving Response Immunity Towards Parasitic Coupling Events, Staginus, J.; Chang, Z.-Y.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Meijer, G.C.M. Sensors & Actuators, A: Physical 2015, 234, 239–247. [doi]

38 - A Generic Microfluidic Biosensor of G Protein-coupled Receptor Activation – Impedance Measurements of Reversible Morphological Changes of Reverse Transfected HEK293 Cells on Microelectrodes, Srivastava, S.K.; Ramaneti, R.; Roelse, M.; Tong, H.D.; Vrouwe, E.W.; Brinkman, A.G.M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; van Rijn, C.J.M.; Jongsma, M.A. RSC Advances 2015, 5, 52563–52570. [doi]

37 - Pick-up and Drop Transfer of Diamond Nanosheets, Seshan, V.; Island, J.; van Leeuwen, R.; Venstra, W.; Schneider, B.; Janssens, S.; Haenen, K.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; van der Zant, H.J.; Steele, G.; Castellanos-Gomez, A. Nanotechnology 2015, 26, 125706. [doi]

36 - Ionophore-containing Siloprene Membranes: Direct Comparison Between Conventional Ion-selective Electrodes and Silicon Nanowire-based Field-effect Transistors, Cao, A.; Mescher, M.; Bosma, D.; Klootwijk, J.H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 1173–1179. [doi]

35 - Polymer-Induced Surface Modifications of Pd-based Thin Films Leading to Improved Kinetics in Hydrogen Sensing and Energy Storage Applications, Ngene, P.; Westerwaal, R.J.; Sachdeva, S.; Haije, W.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Dam, B. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 2014, 53, 12081–12085. [doi]

34 - Controlled Amino-functionalization by Electrochemical Reduction of Bromo and Nitro Azobenzene Layers Bound to Si(111) Surfaces, Ullien, D.; Thüne, P.C.; Jager, W.F.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 19258–19265. [doi]

33 - Detailed AFM Force Spectroscopy of the Interaction Between CD44-IgG-Fusion Protein and Hyaluronan, Martens, A.A.; Bus, M.; Thüne, P.C.; Oosterkamp, T.H.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. BioNanoSci. 2014, 3, 232-239. [doi]

32 - Contactless Photoconductance Study on Undoped and Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Films, Seshan, V.; Murthy, D.H.K.; Catellanos-Gomez, A.; Sachdeva, S.; Ahmad, H.A.; Janssens, S.D.; Janssen, W.; Haenen, K.; van der Zant, H.S.J.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Savenije, T.J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2014, 6, 11368–11375. [doi]

31 - Protein Detection on Biotin-Derivatized Polyallylamine by Optical Microring Resonators, Ullien, D. Harmsma, P.J.; Abdulla, S.M.C.; de Boer, B.M.; Bosma, D.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Jager, W.F. Optics Express 2014, 22, 16585-16594. [doi] Highlighted in the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics.

30 - Influence of Conductivity and Dielectric Constant of Water-Dioxane Mixtures on the Electrical Response of SiNW-based FETs, Mescher, M.; Brinkman, A.G.M.; Bosma, D.; Klootwijk, J.H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Sensors 2014, 14, 2350-2361. [doi]

29 - Silicon Nanowire-Based Devices for Gas-Phase Sensing, Cao, A.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Sensors 2014, 14, 245-271. [doi]

28 - Matrimid Aerogels by Temperature-controlled, Solution-based Cross-linking, Kuiper, S.; Embrechts, A.; de Vries, T.; Every, H.A.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2013, 298, 868–875. [doi] Front Cover Article

27 - Hydrogen Termination of CVD Diamond Films by High Temperature Annealing at Atmospheric Pressure, Seshan, V.; Ullien, D.; Castellanos-Gomez, A.; Sachdeva, S.; Murthy, D.H.K.; Savenije, T.J.; Ahmad, H.A.; Nunney, T.S.; Janssens, S.D.; Haenen, K.; Nesládek, M.; van der Zant, H.S.J.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. J. Chem. Phys. 2013, 138, 234707. [doi]

26 - Effect of Silicon Nanowire Etching Process on Signal-to-Noise Ratio of SiNW FETs for (Bio)Sensor Applications, Moh, T.S.Y.; Nie, M.; Pandraud, G.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Huang, Q.-A.; Sarro, P.M. Electronics Letters 2013, 49, 782-784. [doi]

25 - Capacitive Response of PDMS-coated IDE Platforms Directly Exposed to Aqueous Solutions Containing Volatile Organic Compounds, Staginus, J.; Aerts, I.M.; Chang, Z.-Y.; Meijer, G.C.M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Sensors & Actuators, B: Chemical 2013, 184, 130-142. [doi]

24 - Robust Fabrication Method for Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistors for Sensing Applications, Mescher, M.; de Smet L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Klootwijk, J.H. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2013, 13, 5649-5653. [doi]

23 - Current-induced Nanogap Formation and Graphitization in Boron-doped Diamond Films, Seshan, V.; Arroyo, C.R.; Castellanos-Gomez, A.; Prins, F.; Perrin, M.L.; Janssens, S.D.; Haenen, K.; Nesládek, M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; van der Zant, H.S.J.; Dulic, D. Applied Physics Letters 2012, 101, 195106. [doi]

22 - Biofunctionalization and Self-interaction Chromatography in PDMS Microchannels, Deshpande, K.S.; Kuddannaya, S.; Staginus, J.; Thüne, P.C.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; ter Horst, J.H.; van der Wielen, L.A.M.; Ottens, M. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2012, 67, 111-119. [doi]

21 - The Effect of the Type of Doping on the Electrical Characteristics of Electrolyte-Oxide-Silicon Sensors: pH Sensing and Polyelectrolyte Adsorption, Garyfallou, G.Z.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Sensors & Actuators, B: Chemical 2012, 168, 207-213. [doi]

Book Chapter: Fabrication of Nanowires for Biosensing Applications, Moh, T.S.Y.; Pandraud, G.; de Smet L.C.P.M.; van Rijn, C.J.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Sarro, P.M. in Nanodevices and Nanofabrication - Selected Publications from Symposium of Nanodevices and Nanofabrication in ICMAT2011, Qing Zhang and W.I. Milne (Eds), Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2012.

20 - Structure of Hyaluronan During Acid-catalyzed Hydrolysis, a Kinetic Study of Both Chain Scission and Disaggregation, Martens, A.A.; Besseling, N.A.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Soft Matter 2012, 8, 1017-1024. [doi]

Book Chapter: Organic Surface Modification of Silicon Nanowire-Based Sensor Devices, de Smet L.C.P.M.; Ullien, D.; Mescher, M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. in Nanowires - Implementations and Applications, Abbass Hashim (Ed), InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2011.

19 - Silicon Nanoparticles Produced by Spark Discharge, Vons, V.A.; de Smet L.C.P.M.; Munao; Evirgen, A.; Kelder, E.M.; Schmidt-Ott, A. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2011, 13, 4867-4879. [doi]

18 - Pulsed Method for Characterizing Aqueous Media Using Nanowire Field Effect Transistors, Mescher, M.; Marcelis, B.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Klootwijk, J.H. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2011, 58, 1886-1891. [doi]

17 - Reaction-diffusion Analysis for One-step Plasma Etching and Bonding of Microfluidic Devices, Rosso, M.; van Steijn, V.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Kleijn, C.R.; Kreutzer, M.T. Applied Physics Letters 2011, 44, 174102. [doi]

16 - Random Scission of Polymers: Numerical Simulations, and Experiments on Hyaluronan Hydrolysis, Martens, A.A.; Besseling, N.A.M.; Rueb, S.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Spaink, H.P.; de Smet, L.C.P.M. Macromolecules 2011, 44, 2559–2567. [doi]

15 - Sulfonated Liquid Crystalline Polyesters as Resin Matrix for Single Wall Carbon Nanotube and Nanodiamond Composites, Sordi, D.; de Ruijter, C.; Orlanducci, S.; Picken, S.J.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Terranova, M.L.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Dingemans, T.J. J. Polym. Science Part A: Polym. Chem. 2011, 49, 1079-1087. [doi]

P2 - Capacitance electrode and sensor-system capable of sensing contaminants and method therefor, Mayer, M.J.J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Patent no WO2010/050806, US 2011/0298481 A1, EP2375245 (27-10-2009).

Pre-TUD Publications

14 - Covalent Attachment of Bent-Core Mesogens to Silicon Surfaces, Scheres, L.; Achten, R.; Giesbers, M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Arafat, A.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Marcelis, A.T.M.; Zuilhof, H. Langmuir, 2009, 25, 1529–1533. [doi]

13 - Reactive Epoxy-Functionalized Thin Films by a Pulsed Plasma Polymerization Process, Thierry, B.; Jasieniak, M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Vasilev, K.; Griesser, H.J. Langmuir 2008, 24, 10187.

12 - pH Sensitivity of Si-C Linked Organic Monolayers on Crystalline Silicon Surfaces, Faber, E.J.; Sparreboom, W.; Groeneveld, W.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Bomer, J.; Olthuis, W.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Bergveld, P.; van den Berg, A. ChemPhysChem 2007, 8, 101.

11 - Si-C linked Organic Monolayers on Crystalline Silicon Surfaces as Alternative Gate-Insulators - Faber, E.J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Olthuis, W.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R., Bergveld, P.; van den Berg, A. ChemPhysChem 2005, 6, 2153-2166

10 - Visible-Light Attachment of Si-C Linked Functionalized Organic Monolayers on Silicon Surfaces, de Smet L.C.P.M.; Pukin, A.V.; Sun, Q.-Y.; Eves, B.J.; Lopinski, G.P.; Visser, G.M.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2005, 252, 24.

9 - Mechanism of the Hydrosilylation Reaction of Alkenes at Porous Silicon: Experimental and Computational Deuterium Labeling Studies, de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Lie, L.H.; Houlton, A.; Horrocks, B.R. J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 12020.

8 - Covalently Attached Monolayers on Crystalline Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon: Extremely Mild Attachment by Visible Light, Sun, Q.-Y.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; van Lagen, B.; Giesbers, M.; Thüne, P.C.; van Engelenburg, J.; de Wolf, F.A.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 2514.

7 - Syntheses of Alkenylated Carbohydrate Derivatives Towards the Preparation of Monolayers on Silicon Surfaces, de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Pukin, A.V.; Stork, G.A.; de Vos, C.H.R.; Visser, G.M.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Carbohydr. Res. 2004, 339, 2599.

6 - Tailor-Made Functionalization of Silicon Nitride Surfaces, Arafat, A.; Schroën, K.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Zuilhof, H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 8600.

5 - Covalently Attached Monolayers on Hydrogen-Terminated Si(100): Extremely Mild Attachment by Visible Light, Sun, Q.-Y.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; van Lagen, B.; Wright, A.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 2004, 43, 1352.

P1 - Method for producing a hybrid organic Group IVA field effect transistor structure, Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Zuilhof, H.; Sieval, A.B.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Visser, G.M.; Bergveld, P.; Olthuis, W.; Faber, E.J. Eur. Pat. Appl. (2003), 13 pp. Application: EP 2002-76942 20020517. CAN 139:390301 AN 2003:910239.

4 - Covalently Attached Saccharides on Silicon Surfaces, de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Stork, G.A.; Hurenkamp, G.H.F.; Sun, Q.-Y.; Topal, H.; Vronen, P.J.E.; Sieval, A.B.; Wright, A.; Visser, G.M.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 13916.

3 - Micellization and Anti-Microbial Activity of New Facial Amphiphiles with Three Permanent Ionic Head Groups, Willemen, H.M.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Koudijs, A.; Stuart, M.C.A.; Heikamp-de Jong, G.A.; Marcelis, A.T.M.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 2002, 41, 4275.

2 - Silver(I)-Olefin Complexes: Computational Probes into the Basis of Silver Ion Chromatography, Kaneti, J.; de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Boom, R.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2002, 106, 11197.

1 - Diffusion in Porous Silicon: Effects on the Reactivity of Alkenes and Electrochemistry of Alkylated Porous Silicon, de Smet, L.C.P.M.; Zuilhof, H.; Sudhölter, E.J.R.; Wittstock, G.; Duerdin, M. S.; Lie, L.H.; Houlton, A.; Horrocks, B.R. Electrochimica Acta, 2002, 47, 2653.

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